Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mark Levin the Ultra-Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Calling Barack Obama a Demagogue

Mark Levin the ultra-conservative Radio Talk Show Host is calling President Barack Obama a charismatic demagogue. Here goes the civility in discussing political and economic matters of utmost importance and priority.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bill O'Reilly and Dr. George Tiller

Still, according to Brent Bozell's NewsBusters, O'Reilly had simply "spoke[n] critically of Tiller's abortionist practices" and merely "used harsh words to describe Tiller."

Decide for yourself. Since FNC defenders often refuse to reprint O'Reilly's quotes, here's an unvarnished look at what he said about Tiller; here's what he said before an anti-abortion zealot assassinated Tiller and then claimed his actions were justified:

"In the state of Kansas, there is a doctor, George Tiller, who will execute babies for $5,000."
"For $5,000, 'Tiller the Baby Killer' -- as some call him -- will perform a late-term abortion for just about any reason."
"Tiller has killed thousands, thousands of late-term fetuses without explanation."
"No question, Dr. Tiller has blood on his hands."
" 'Tiller the Baby Killer' out in Kansas, acquitted, acquitted today of murdering babies."
"This guy will kill your baby for $5,000, any reason. Any reason."
"If we allow Dr. George Tiller and his acolytes to continue, we can no longer pass judgment on any behavior by anybody."
"If we allow this, America will no longer be a noble nation."

Michael Savage Barred from Britain

Radio talk star blocked from visits, along with terrorists, neo-Nazis

Posted: May 05, 2009

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Michael Savage (San Francisco Chronicle)

Talk radio host Michael Savage is considering legal action against Britain's top homeland security official after she released today a list grouping him with terrorists and neo-Nazi murderers banned from entry because the government believes their views might provoke violence.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she decided to publicize the list of 16 people banned since October to show the type of behavior Britain will not tolerate, according to U.K. news reports.

Michael Savage responded.

"Darn! And I was just planning a trip to England for their superior dental work and cuisine," he recalled thinking.

Smith explained to Britain's GMTV that she believed it was "important that people understand the sorts of values and sorts of standards that we have here, the fact that it's a privilege to come and the sort of things that mean you won't be welcome in this country."

"Coming to this country is a privilege," she said. "If you can't live by the rules that we live by, the standards and the values that we live by, we should exclude you from this country and, what's more, now we will make public those people that we have excluded."

Savage said the last time he was in Britain was about 20 years ago, and he had no immediate plans to return.

UK's Smith Resigns

UK's Smith Resigns After Receiving Savage Suit

(RADIO ONLINE) Talk Radio Network's syndicated offering Michael Savage says Jacqui Smith has resigned as the United Kingdom's Home Secretary, one day after receiving notification from Savage's law firm regarding a defamation lawsuit ...

Michael Savage Manifesto

The Savage Manifesto


A. Regulate Wall Street: End short selling. Try tycoons who profited from bailouts.

B. Cut Federal Income Taxes by 2 percent per year over four years, for a minimum total of 8 percent over four years.

C. Reduce Federal Government Departments in size by 4 percent each year, for a total reduction of size by 16 percent over four years.

D. Eliminate all public assistance for able-bodied recipients. Cut off all public assistance for immigrants for five years. Repatriate those who are not working, after two years.

E. Immediately impose tariffs on cars and trucks owned by foreign entities, even if they’re manufactured in America.

F. Have illegal aliens build a wall between the United States and Mexico, and then, repatriate them. Pay them a one-time worker fee.

G. Increase pay for active duty combat troops by 10 percent. Number Two. Fire any unmarried military person becoming pregnant while on active duty.

H. Make abortions illegal, except when the physical survival of the mother is threatened, to be determined by three medical doctors. Require Norplant for all women on welfare of childbearing age.

I. Close all houses of sex and massage.

J. Expand the DEA, while decriminalizing most drugs.

K. Regarding the media; one, eliminate all foreign ownership of any American media entity. Two, break up overly large conglomerates, like News Corporation.

L. Encourage child bearing among tax paying citizens. Create a marriage incentive, through lower taxes for married heterosexual couples. And a government subsidy for each child conceived and carried to birth. Increase the subsidies for each year the couple remains married.

M. Repatriate all illegal immigrants now incarcerated. Encourage all other illegals to self-repatriate through double taxation on wages and fines on employers.


A. Iraq. Send in Iraqi troops to mop up pockets of resistance. Make Iraq pay with their oil for the cost of the war. Cordon off Sadr City, force all residents to leave, then go in and mop up all resistance fighters. Divide Iraq into three to four sectors; Sunni, Shiite, Kurd, and International. Next, remove all U.S. troops after above achieved.

B. Iran. One, sanctions embargoes and mine their harbors. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out.

C. North Korea. Destroy their launching platforms, impose a Naval blockade on all goods coming in or out, except food.

D. Israel Arab Entities. Give Israel four years to become self-sufficient. Cut off all foreign aid to all nations.

E. China. 20 percent tariffs on all China made goods immediately; rising by 5 percent each year for each year China refuses to revalue their currency.

F. United Nations. Withdraw immediately. Remove all Diplomats and staff. Convert the United Nations building into housing for the working poor.

G. Mexico. Force Mexico to pay one barrel of oil for every illegal alien in the United States of America per month.

Michael Savage

Michael Savage comments.
Muslims suggesting we all "read the Koran"...
Why is it that everytime some Islamic fruitcake commits a violent act in the name of Islam, the self-brainwashed Muslims knee-jerk defense is "read the Koran"? No Mohammed, I won't read the Koran. Why don't Muslims try reading the Bible to get a better understanding of Christianity, which they find so threatening? (answer: Muslims could be put to death in many parts of the world if they are caught peeking at the Bible) Mother**** Islam and the camels they rode in on.
By John L @ 05/24/09 09:59:04 AM

Guantanamo & the prisioners
I listened Saturday and, even though you were not worried about the influence of terrorists on the muslim population in those prision, I agree with the soldier who was guarding them in Iraq (?) Guarding them, anyway.
Even if the terrorists NEVER get out of prision, their philosophy and influence on the muslims, other than the terrorists that are there now will carry forward when those who do get out, get out!
And, Obama setting aside 23 million dollars (+-)to bring Hamas (terrorists?) to the United States only adds to these problems.
We are setting a very serious presidence by doing either.
Please reconsider your stance and let's see if we can influence the powers that be and motivate the people in the U.S. to object to either or both. (Good luck on the latter)
By Don Rehwaldt @ 05/10/09 04:54:48 PM

Saturday, June 6, 2009

CNN Lou Dobbs an Extreme Muslims Hater and the Voice of Anti-Islam

Lou Dubbs attacks Barack Obama of not using the term "Islamic Terrorism".
Dubbs TV program is the CNN righter wingers paradise.

Michael Berry the Radio Voice of Right Wing Extremism